Strength, Size, and Style: Your Cigar Buying Checklist
Choosing the perfect cigar doesn’t have to be overwhelming. From strength and size to flavor and price, our Cigar Buying Guide will help you find the ideal smoke for every occasi
Smoke in Style: Exploring Cigar Shapes and Sizes
From classic Coronas to bold Torpedos, every cigar shape and size offers a unique smoking experience.
Aged to Perfection: Cigars and Alcohol Pairings
Elevate your smoking ritual with the perfect pairing. From Tequila and Scotch to timeless cocktails like the Old Fashioned, discover how the right drink can enhance your cigar expe
The Timeless Art of Cigars
From sacred ceremonies to modern-day milestones, cigars have always symbolized tradition and luxury. A fine cigar is the perfect companion for big moments and quiet evenings.
Dominican Tobacco: The Soul of Premium Cigars
The Dominican Republic is the gold standard for premium cigars, combining rich soil, ideal climate, and generations of craftsmanship to produce tobacco that’s second to none.
Light Up Like a Pro
Lighting a cigar is an art—use the right tools, toast the foot, and take your time for a smooth, even burn that enhances every draw.
Cigar Cutter 101
Your cigar cut matters—whether it’s the precision of a punch, the classic straight cut, or the bold V-cut, each style offers a unique smoking experience.
Cigar Storage 101
Storing cigars properly is key to preserving their flavor and quality. A good humidor creates the perfect environment, ensuring every cigar is ready to enjoy whenever you are.
Open for Business
Church of Tobacco is open! Explore hand-rolled Dominican cigars crafted for the perfect smoking experience.